Thursday, July 31, 2008

ARTstor tutorials on YouTube

YouTube. Such a funny word, and such a funny phenomenon, the YouTube. However, amongst the clips of cute kittens, and adorable puppies (not that I've seen those, mind you, just heard about 'em, you know) there are actual pieces of instructional technology!

ARTstor's new platform, while sleek and powerful, does require some preparation. I recommend viewing the short tutorials available here:

The three most recent ones are relevant to the new platform.

And a word about the new platform: it is going to require upgrading your browsers if you haven't done so recently, requiring one of the following to allow it to run on your machine: Firefox 1.5+, Safari 3+, Internet Explorer 7+, or Mozilla 5

So you have official sanction from your art librarian: Go watch some YouTube!

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