Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Getting ready for prime time as the new SJSU Art Librarian

This initial post is to put my fingertips to the keyboard in an attempt to put off perfectionism in favor of productivity. While researching congressional districts, I came across this fantastic link for images in the Senate Art Collection. Have a look here:

Of course, I also followed the link about information on the book containing all the images:

U.S. Congress. Senate. United States Senate Catalogue of Fine Art, by William Kloss and Diane K. Skvarla. 107th Congress, 2d sess., 2002. S. Doc. 107-11. There is a print copy in the King Library Reference collection, or you may link to the online version at:

Have a look! Write me or post to the blog about what items you were surprised to learn are in this collection.


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